Public service mission

Members of the lab contribute to promoting diversity and inclusion and the public good. For example, we develop ideas to improve diversity in health care through lectures and discussion, and we provide health care in underserved areas in Detroit and around the world. We also engage the public through timely public service announcements (PSA).

group of people smiling

The only American to ever win Olympic Gold in the 10K, Billy Mills, discusses how Pope Alexander VI issued the "Inter Caetera" that authorized Iberia to colonize the Americas and its Native peoples as subjects.

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ADM William McRaven, formerly Commander, Special Operations Command, and Chancellor, University of Texas, advocates with our students for diversity in all elements of education and health care.

Ron Wyatt

Ron Wyatt, MD, formerly medical director of the Joint Commission discusses how to improve health disparities among the underserved.


Why are we getting fat?

Why were kids getting addicted to nicotine?

Wear A Helmet